Neat for GitHub

A heads-up display of the most important updates to your codebase.
One keystroke away.

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Always on.
Never in the way.

Neat brings GitHub notifications to your desktop menu bar, on your terms.

Never miss what's important

Neat pings you only when an issue needs your attention. Work more deeply and ship higher-quality software.

Quick look

Preview a comment without marking it as read. Neat returns focus to your current window for a sustained flow.

Cat or mouse

Full keyboard navigation. Scroll, preview, and mute without moving a wrist. GitHub shortcuts included.

Selective hearing

Some bot users know no boundaries. Control which projects, users, and events get through to you.

Merge pull requests faster

No more digging through email and slack. Power through your assigned PRs like a jedi master.

Gentle nudge

Waiting for a review sucks. Gently nudge reviewers for stale PRs without breaking their focus.

Use Neat for GitHub

Smart GitHub notifications on your desktop and menu bar.
Rich preview, mark as done, pin for later.
All without losing focus.

Visit on desktop to download